
Short stories tagged with Farm Life

Listing 10 stories.

A young man returns home to find a girl in desperate need of a father figure. After a few seemingly unsuccessful attempts to win her trust, he has almost given up - until an encounter with a snake in the woods gives him the chance to truly put his life on the line for her sake.

When a young boy visits the family farm on the prairie, he dreams that he is becoming a man, but a fierce storm and an untimely lightning strike humble and frighten him.

A man and his pregnant wife move from St. Louis to upstate Maine with their two boys. One Sunday, the man brings his two boys to the dockyard and must navigate how to parent as a working-class dad.

A widow in the Irish countryside needs someone to mow her overgrown fields. She hires her neighbor, who visits her house the following night, but a renegotiation of their agreement is not the only thing he's after.

When new neighbors move onto the same street as a man and woman's farmhouse, the woman takes an immediate dislike to them while the man tries to help them out.

On a rural Nebraska farm, a young woman, who married into a farmer's family, tries to help her sister-in-law, who is upset with the mundane of farm life and her husband.

An unhappily married woman sees a group of prisoners working on a highway near her house. After telling her husband about them over the phone, he does not react the way she hopes, so she concocts a plan to spite him.

After a six-year-old boy goes missing in the woods in rural America, a town gathers together to search for him, only to lose hope as the days draw on and the weather grows colder.

A wife living in a rural town wants to move out of her husband's house with her three children. However, her will wavers when a rainstorm prevents them from moving, and the husband begs them to stay.

A young woman hired as a housemaid on a Texas farm has a two-year affair with the farmer. When the farmer's wife dies, the housemaid is sent away, pregnant and alone, and hopes to reconnect with the farmer again, if only to forgive him.