Short stories by Jim Shepard

Jim Shepard is the author of seven novels, including most recently The Book of Aron, which won the Sophie Brody Medal for Achievement in Jewish Literature from the American Library Association and the PEN/New England Award for fiction, and five story collections, including his new collection, The World To Come. Five of his short stories have been chosen for the Best American Short Stories, two for the PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories, and one for a Pushcart Prize.  He teaches at Williams College.

Listing 7 stories.

In 1951, when two Philadelphia Phillies players are demoted to the Double A, they decide to play their summer season in Cuba.

A 39-year-old war veteran returns to live with his mother after his wife kicks him out for domestic abuse. Suffering from what his mother believes is PTSD, the man becomes increasingly anxious and bitter. When the cops come looking for him for one of an assorted range of former crimes, a string of events ends with him shooting at the house of his grocery-store crush and running into the woods.

Two male Nazi engineers hide their illicit romance while at work aboard the Hindenburg in 1937. En route to New York, one of the engineer’s flirtations with a female passenger leads to tragic misunderstandings and a tragic end.

On the battlefields of the Civil War, a confederate soldier writes to his wife as he grows more familiar with the tragedy of war. Back home, his wife struggles to stay afloat without her husband.

In 18th century France, an executioner faces enormous job stress leading up to and throughout the French Revolution. He must choose between his beloved wife and his job, and he struggles to leave the profession that was his father's before him.

Aboard a Royal Navy submarine stationed in the Indian Ocean during World War 2, a group of sailors spend most of their days writing letters. When the captain chooses to fire at enemy ships, possibly disclosing their location, the men reckon with their proximity to death.

When a woman meets her striking neighbor, the two engage in a forbidden love affair filled with longing and heartache.