
Short stories tagged with Politics

Listing 51 stories.

A Vietnamese near-centenarian living in New Orleans reminisces on wars he experienced, ideas he held, and countries he saw during the 20th century with the help of the ghost of an old friend: Ho Chi Minh.

A lonely young boy navigates his sexually-frustrated mother and closeted gay father's unhappy marriage.

A government official scorns a young man, a former student of his, by coming between him and the woman he is pursuing. The young man seeks revenge, but the corruption of his country's politics brings him face to face with violence as he tries to gain political power and romantic love.

In 1951, when two Philadelphia Phillies players are demoted to the Double A, they decide to play their summer season in Cuba.

In the distant future, a female steward aboard a ship traveling through space attempts to save the lives of the crew members who ostracized her.

When an officer in the State Department is sent to work as a diplomat for the CIA, he must balance the fate of other nations and politicians with his own interests and career goals.

In the early 1970s, a listless radical must decide what to do with his life as his social circle of grassroots activists dwindles.

In a hyper-surveillance state set in the near future, a female military cyborg wrestles with extreme PTSD and guilt after unintentionally murdering young civilians on a mission abroad. After hearing a recording of the deaths, she realizes her "accident" isn't what it appeared to be, and takes justice into her own hands.

A young librarian with two dead parents moves across the country and meets an idealistic but shallow man. When their relationship falls apart, he urges her to give more of herself to the community, ignorant of the ways in which she's had to give so much away already.