Read these if you like Moral Dilemmas

Listing 10 stories.

Humanity has eliminated all plants and animals in a futuristic world that isn't meant for human consumption. One man refuses to kill his pet animals and plants, and the government tries to convince him to comply.

A dying man claims he has been falsely accused of stealing. After the man dies, everybody believes the man's statement, until two men discover that the man isn't as honest as he seems, and they must decide whether to reveal the truth.

A young pianist is afraid he will lose his job. When his boss becomes interested in a girl he is dating, he has the choice to maintain the relationship or use the girl to stay in the boss' good graces.

In a futuristic world, a well-intentioned African witch doctor kills a newborn baby that according to his culture was a demon. However, Maintenance, white people from another planet, disagree with the witch doctor’s cultural traditions and try to stop this practice.

A priest must choose to visit his dying brother or take care of a sick friar. The choice he chooses haunts him forever.

In a futuristic world where many people have a computer planted in their brain, a female detective is hired to prove that a woman was murdered, and not by her implant.

A young Chinese-American woman struggles to tell her dying father that her son has committed suicide.

An accomplished, married man becomes enamored with another woman after she sings in a concert. He dreams of throwing away his current marriage and life to pursue a relationship with this woman.

An indigenous man in a South American rural town must kill a jaguar to pay off a debt, but he discovers that there is more to the beast than meets the eye.

A wife living in a rural town wants to move out of her husband's house with her three children. However, her will wavers when a rainstorm prevents them from moving, and the husband begs them to stay.