Short stories tagged with Technology

Listing 107 stories.

A movie star lost in grief over the death of his long-term girlfriend injects himself with her digitally-preserved personality so he can hallucinate her presence, but the visions begin to go horribly wrong.

In the far future, a human veteran adopts a war soldier, developing an unlikely friendship that helps each of them cope with the trauma of combat.

A millennial in an unnamed American city recruits his girlfriend, his friend, and his friend's Home Depot coworker on a mission to circle around the moon.

The captain of the largest aircraft in history becomes a cyborg after his aircraft crashes, and he sets his sights on becoming the first man to land on Jupiter.

After getting caught up in a barfight, a robot discusses his faulty plans for immortality with an engineering-savvy old man and his imaginative granddaughter.

A team of three space hunters attempt to kill a theriida—a space whale with invaluable organs and skin that can provide riches and protect humans against interstellar radiation—but in their zeal, they face the risk of turning into theriidas themselves.

In the far future, a selfless woman helps a wary man flee from a destroyed Earth to the world beyond the solar system.

When a notebook full of top-secret designs is looted from a Brooklyn saloon, a Latino drummer and his inventor girlfriend must go on a quest to retrieve it from a rival Manhattan gang.

A programmer battles with a computer virus she once designed in order to take down the quantum computing business she previously built with her ex-husband.

A band of manual laborers bet their legendarily strong digger against a salesman’s machine in a competition to prove human workers’ worth.