Short stories published in Accent

Listing 14 stories.

In a 1950s mining community in the western United States, death and suicide are common. A body is found in a burnt cabin, and everyone suspects it was suicide, but the truth is much more insidious.

When a couple with a strained relationship rides a motorcycle up a dangerous mountain in southern California, they battle for survival against nature and each other.

At a rundown hotel in tropical South America, the only resident cycles through a fever dream of hazy memories and repetitive conversations with his friend, the bartender.

A priest must choose to visit his dying brother or take care of a sick friar. The choice he chooses haunts him forever.

A group of boys is lured into a sewer by their classmate where mind tricks and riddles await them in the damp darkness.

A nosey man living in a suburb regularly interacts with several neighbors but keeps his distance from one woman, whom he witnesses abuse her children verbally and physically. When the situation escalates, however, he must decide whether or not to intervene.

A middle-aged Catholic priest, ignorant of his own flaws, struggles with ambition and the judgement of others as he comes to terms with the future that the Church has decided for him.

A lonely man makes calls to automated call services and anonymous strangers as he searches for comfort in the hollow telephone conversations he shares with answering machine.

A woman with an emotionally manipulative husband realizes that she has long judged herself based on men's opinions of her and decides to define her own self.

A sick, elderly man is living with his wife in rural New York. During a violent storm, the man offers to rent out his second home to a young family in need but is unsure how to feel about these strangers from out of town until it is too late.