Short stories in the genre Mythology

Listing 59 stories.

A young man leaves his traditional village behind to travel and work on distant planets. Throughout his interplanetary journeys, he must constantly reevaluate his understandings of truth, tradition, and love as he seeks a fulfilling life of his own, independent of what is expected from him.

In a retelling of the story of Helen of Troy from the Iliad, King Agamemnon's daughter grapples with rage and sorrow when her father agrees to sacrifice her to appease the gods.

In a mythological kingdom, a woman is forced to marry the greedy king, causing the separation and imprisonment of her and her children and forcing the family to escape and reunite.

When a village's beloved schoolteacher disappears just as mysteriously as she arrived an entire century earlier, the townspeople are left to contend with her legacy and lessons.

Loanna asks her Iya why everyone calls her two-headed and Iya tells the story of what happened just before Loanna was born; how she bartered with the god Ajala to receive two heads instead of one.

A veterinarian uncovers the ugly truth about her employer, and the lines between man, woman, and beast blur as blood spills.

After nearly breaking up with her boyfriend, a young woman distracts herself in the company of a charming guest who is seeking respite from his own set of problems.

When a Master's student in anthropology researches the Highlands of Scotland with his hunting dog by his side, he encounters an elderly couple who teach him about the local culture and traditions.

After a painful breakup that leaves you feeling incompetent, you opt for a chimera-transformative surgery that does exactly what the name implies: transforms you into a part-lion, part-goat, part-serpent creature. In a dystopian world that idealizes animal beauty over human beauty, you hope that the change will protect you from getting hurt again.

A young Caribbean merwoman decides to bring her friends to explore living on land, but the trip puts them in horrible danger. Upon returning underwater, she must face the consequences of putting her entire community at risk.