
Short stories published in Dark Matter: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora

Listing 25 stories.

While fishing with his friend in the Mississippi River, a black teenager is drawn into a biblical affair involving the souls of all Black Americans.

WaLiLa is an immortal being from the stars, sent by her ancestors to collect nectar from the earth. When her mission goes awry, she risks being tied to earth forever.

Loanna asks her Iya why everyone calls her two-headed and Iya tells the story of what happened just before Loanna was born; how she bartered with the god Ajala to receive two heads instead of one.

A space traveler visiting Earth is subjected to all the dark experiences of being human and eventually loses hold of his/her own identity.

Two men at the barbecue try to outdance each other with the funkiest stunts, but one move turns the whole party into catastrophe.

A husband signs up to have his wife's eyes inserted after her death, only to find that the world from her perspective is unbearable to him.

Gilda, a former slave and roaming vampire, finds herself pulled to a Black Chicago neighborhood like no other place she'd been before. Enamored with the Evergreen club and its beautiful singer, she must choose to leave anonymously or stay and divulge her secret.

Black Peter appeals to the Nicolaite Society to replace the icon of Saint Nicholas with that of Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia.