Short stories tagged with Charity

Listing 11 stories.

When an impoverished man shows up to a wealthy woman's door in dire need of help, she gives him ten dollars and tries to send him on his way. The man insists that he return the next day to thank her husband for the money, but she isn't quite sure if things are as they seem.

In a New York City of the near future, a middle-aged suit finds his life upturned when online terrorists accuse him of humanitarian crimes in front of everyone he knows.

Gilda, a former slave and roaming vampire, finds herself pulled to a Black Chicago neighborhood like no other place she'd been before. Enamored with the Evergreen club and its beautiful singer, she must choose to leave anonymously or stay and divulge her secret.

In twentieth century Ireland, three women decide to impart their generosity on an old man, but their bad manners and hosting skills are not well received by their charity case.

A former doctor is called out of his alcoholism and cynicism to help others—first when his nephew is shot, then when a tornado devastates the area.

A Scottish Foreign Scholar tries to help the beggars he encounters at his university in India, but finds his outlook on life greatly changed by the sincerity of those he once looked down upon.

An old woman reminisces about her twenties in NYC and her relationship with the family down the hall after she meets the younger daughter on a plane one day.

The nephew of a deceased housekeeper goes around to different apartments of high society figures in New York City, asking the housekeeper’s past employers if they can spend some money for her funeral arrangements.

A failed Jewish-American painter embarks on a year-long trip through Italy to write a book on art history. A chance encounter with a Jewish refugee, however, quickly derails his writing, his trip, and his grip on reality.

An American couple in Mexico sees a man on the street who looks like Jesus. His struggles, however, are far more earthly, and despite their best efforts at charity, the couple is forced to realize that some things are out of their hands.