Short stories tagged with Sports

Listing 15 stories.

A veteran boxer fights the fatigue of age as he faces off with his rival in two career-defining matches.

In 1951, when two Philadelphia Phillies players are demoted to the Double A, they decide to play their summer season in Cuba.

A baseball pitcher feels the intense pressure of an important game as he looks back on his successful career and the tension it created with his distant father.

A bartender laments that the professional wrestlers in Charlotte are moving to Atlanta, feeling that all excitement is draining from the North Carolina town. At the end of the final match, all possibilities of love and hope drain from his life.

A young boy living in America recalls his childhood in Jamaica living with his grandmother and reflects on the importance of his childhood friendships and familial relationships.

In a Seattle of the near future, a businessman attempts to convince a young basketball player to sign a sponsorship deal that will require him to implant a controversial device into his body forever.

A baseball team manager hires his quiet next-door neighbor to install a public address system in the ballpark, but when the neighbor shows a talent for making the announcements himself, he begins to abuse the sound system.

A little girl navigates her relationships with two boys in her elementary school class, a brash bully and a shy victim, and learns about the nature of suffering.

In a small town in South Carolina, a middle-aged man is dragged into being the referee for a $1000 grudge match between his eccentric friend and a town outsider.

A jockey becomes heated after a big race and disrespects those around him.