Short stories tagged with Darkness

Listing 10 stories.

In a futuristic world where the outdoors is clouded in an impenetrable darkness, a group of school children learn about mathematically engineered images that kill those who look upon them. They discover the strange darkness is due to biochips in their brains, designed to protect them from terrorist displays of these images.

An archaeologist finds an ancient funeral cave and intact skulls containing jars of bone marrow. When she studies one of the jars back at the lab, she accidentally exposes herself to its contents and experiences a strange transformation.

An old woman reminisces about her twenties in NYC and her relationship with the family down the hall after she meets the younger daughter on a plane one day.

After the lights go out and she's separated from her husband, a woman vacationing in an arctic Norwegian town must save herself and fellow survivors from mythical beasts.

A young boy tries to figure out why his father wakes up in the middle of the night to sit in their dark kitchen, alone with his thoughts.

A doctor and a dying patient on a boat during WWI discuss why the enemy is winning the war.

Two psychology students investigate a haunted house where an unstable man claims to have lost his children. When they enter the house, they start to believe the man's story.

Two American expatriates in modern Tanzania are mourning a lost lover in a tourist inn when a murderous hyena breaks their peace, hungry for the lover's corpse.

An enslaved lunar miner journeys with his friends from the center of the moon to its surface, seeking the destruction of the oppressive city above and a glimpse of the void beyond the mines.

A couple go to a small seaside town to get inspiration for the woman's photography, but they must face the ghost stories they've heard of the town.