Short stories tagged with Nightmares

Listing 19 stories.

After his retirement, an older man struggles to come to terms with his own mortality and begins to imagine death all around him, particularly when he hears coyotes howl near his house in the night.

Two struggling dream-fabbers in a future relying entirely on dreamed creations must save their tanking careers, by any means necessary.

A young orphaned girl becomes frightened when she hears rustling outside her window, which she believes comes from a prisoner who escaped from the nearby prison.

After his girlfriend begins going to a hypnotist, a man visits him too and finds himself plagued by horrific visions of death that start to blur with reality.

A young man has been experiencing intense hallucinations for most of his life. When one of his nightmares begins to seem a little too real, he realizes there may be an explanation for these experiences, and it may have something to do with his mother's death.

In a small American town, a young girl is taken by extraterrestrial forces and returned to Earth lacking a face. The men of the town, along with the girl's mother, must decide what to do with the faceless victim.

After World War II, a young woman takes a job working at on oilfield in a desert on the west coast. Once there, she struggles to fit in with her coworkers and can't help but feel out of place in this unfamiliar environment.

A New York-based family of four, distracted by their own minor inconveniences in life, ignore much more dire situations in the world around them.

Every year, in a small town overlooking the Chesapeake Bay, fourteen children are invited to the Skullpocket Fair, a carnival run by ghouls. But only the strongest will survive and be indoctrinated into the ghouls’ theocratic cult.

Fearing a lonely life in the company of her ailing husband, a woman begins an extramarital affair with her friend, but soon realizes that her worst nightmare might come true anyway.