Read these if you like Slice-of-life Stories

Listing 9 stories.

A young woman tries to attract the attention of a colonel so that she can live a comfortable life.

An old woman takes a day trip through the Mexican town of La Luz. After one of her appointments is unexpectedly cancelled, she must find new ways to spend her day.

A family going for a ride in their new car makes a wrong turn onto an incredibly trafficked freeway leading to an unknown place.

A young girl engages in a private affair with a much older man to prove that she is a woman, and in doing so, feels joy at the secret she is hiding from her watchful mother.

When a man's wife gets swept up in the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, he agrees to tag along on a march in Boston while sick in order to save their shaky marriage.

A native Brooklynite helps a big man get to Boisenhoist, a section in Brooklyn. However, as the two converse, the native Brooklynite becomes more and more wary of the other man's antics.

A young girl performs the twice-daily ritual of giving her grandmother her insulin shot as her uncle schemes to steal the syringes for his own drug use. At the same time, her mother wounds her by placing all of her faith in her brilliant cousin to lift himself out of poverty and into happiness, as if the family is not happy already.

An elderly couple takes a vacation to Florida to celebrate their anniversary. An unexpected encounter with a former beau leads to a week of hijinks and humorous miscommunications.

A psychologist and his longtime companion must decide on a vacation destination, overcoming the tensions between them in the process.