
Short stories tagged with Adventure

Listing 59 stories.

In a not-so-distant future, an adventurer takes a risk and travels to Venus only to face a potentially lethal test of his intelligence by the planet's inhabitants.

An impoverished thirteen-year-old boy growing up during the Great Depression gets into a serious fight with an older man over a fifty-cent coin.

In the Old West, after witnessing an elderly Chinese prospector win a fight against a couple of outlaws, a young girl forms a deep bond with him, learns that he may be a god in disguise, and must defend him when he is called to trial over his treatment of the outlaws.

Three boys struggle to save their companion on a cave wall climbing trip.

After a British teenager gets paid to kill avatars in a popular video game, she uncovers the disturbing real-world consequences of her virtual missions.

A team of three space hunters attempt to kill a theriida—a space whale with invaluable organs and skin that can provide riches and protect humans against interstellar radiation—but in their zeal, they face the risk of turning into theriidas themselves.

A 13-year-old boy growing up in a Catholic orphanage in the slums of Bangkok learns that he is the final incarnation of the Hindu God Vishnu and must battle the dragon Jade to keep the world green.

In a small rural town in the 1930s, three friends — a farmer’s wife, a music teacher and adulteress, and a single huntswoman — drift away from one another as they grow older, choosing unexpected futures for themselves.

In a future Boston, a passenger train disappears from a subway system so complex the system creates a second dimension. Government officials work to retrieve the missing car, but struggle to solve the impossible mathematic equations the system created.

A Boy Scout and his loyal dog emigrate to a human colony on Venus.