Read these if you like Family Dramas

Listing 11 stories.

Thirteen-year-old Angelle gets into a car accident when her drunken father begs her to drive home in his stead. Later, she must take the witness stand in court and decide her family's future with her testimony.

Four generations of one family gather for a picture and tensions rise between distant relatives.

A young man who is described as hippy-esque receives a letter from a friend who is killed during the Vietnam war and grapples with the possibility of being drafted himself.

Three generations of men grapple with the effects of unemployment and lost hope over Thanksgiving.

When a teenage girl meets with her father to remind him of his late alimony payments, she feels disappointed by his unhelpful reaction.

An older mother frets over her third, most troublesome and combative daughter, who may be having an affair.

A family living in 1940's southern Texas must make the horrible journey to Roswell to bury their dead baby.

A middle-aged man watches his vulnerable older sister slip into the clutches of a religious cult.

The happy life that a young mother and her husband have established in Texas is disrupted when bright red flyers appear in their neighborhood revealing her husband to be a sex offender.

A married woman ponders the kindness and subsequent coldness of her mother-in-law.