Short stories tagged with Third Person POV

Listing 181 stories.

In San Francisco, a Chinese grandmother teaches her granddaughter how to pickle the memories she no longer wants to carry with her, much to her daughter’s chagrin.

A six-year-old boy is tasked with helping his mother give birth at their remote home in the woods.

On their honeymoon in present-day Rome, two newlyweds encounter a rift when the wife’s demands that their in-vitro child be Jewish doesn’t sit well with her atheist husband.

A young boy finds a clearing while exploring the wilderness and meditatively observes the nature around him.

A 36-year-old Irish man indulges in his usual routine voyage from Boyle to Sligo via train, enjoying himself and his rituals, until an unsettling encounter throws his entire day off-kilter.

While waiting for their reverend to arrive for their prayer group amidst a horrible storm, a pair of elderly Southern women try to repair a broken friendship by sharing stories about the mysterious acts of God that saved them.

A man finds God’s overcoat at a thrift shop, compelling him to do good for the people whose prayers land in his pockets.

When two seventh graders refuse to let another boy into their game of catch, the spurned boy uses his magic powers to get what he wants.

A weary medical officer struggles to keep watch during the night shift in a naval prison hospital, even as the prisoners begin to cause trouble.

In a universe where time travel has become the norm, an inexplicable suicide epidemic afflicts the people who successfully ventured to the past, leaving a grisly detective with a confounding mystery to solve.