Short stories tagged with Suffering

Listing 12 stories.

Consumed by the memory of his larger-than-life roommate who recently passed away from AIDS, a grieving man working at an art gallery reflects on life.

A reclusive woman in the Metropolitan Museum of Art sees a former acquaintance from a distance. She tries to avoid him, but fate brings them together again.

In this satire, a cartographer discovers an isolated North African village in which the sole occupation is counting upward. Living in their utopia forces him to reckon with the utility of reason and the necessity of pain in human life.

A petulant young boy in Yugoslavia goes on vacation with his parents and his uncle and aunt. While there, he only stops complaining when his uncle tells unsettling stories about his childhood.

As a university professor acts as a sounding board for everyone else’s problems, her own stress mounts to a dangerous peak.

The Eavesdropper, a human-alien hybrid woman, moves through a sentient spaceship full of comatose humans whose memories she absorbs and processes through mind reading.

In New York city, a middle-aged man goes for a late-night drink at a familiar restaurant and provides brief respite to stranger who is waiting for a call about the execution of a man who killed his wife.

After Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans, an alcoholic leaves her apartment to loot—but when she's gravely injured by sharp debris, she has to rely on the kindness of others to reach safety in a dog-eat-dog world.

A man wakes up from a disturbing dream about there being a tooth-filled mouth on his torso, which he interprets to be real; those around him point to the fact that it might be a representation of his grief, as he has lost many friends in recent years.

In intense discussion a group leader ponders aloud, asking why hermits hide and what defines outcasts, among other cerebral queries. A group of friends discusses the oddities they have seen and perceived in their lives leather-clad hermits and criminal astronauts among them. They debate the purpose of hermitage, the classification of outcasts, and the purpose of their own reflections.