Short stories tagged with Rumors

Listing 12 stories.

As a man teaches his son to play the fiddle, a longtime feud comes back to haunt him.

A young girl tries to connect to a mysterious, sullen Frenchman whose only love seems to be his ship.

When a Black teenage girl is groped at a club, she quickly realizes that everyone will place the blame on her. She thinks back to an old friend who was cornered in a similar situation and abandoned by everyone else.

A middle aged man becomes the talk of the town when he shares a crazy story regarding his missing friend and creatures that live beneath a water pump house.

A new doctor on a small island town helps a couple cope after the death of their infant child.

A freshman at a Texas high school has a crush on the beautiful and mysterious girl next door. When her little brother is hospitalized with a life-threatening injury, and he's tasked with feeding her family's dog each night, he learns a startling secret.

When a young aspiring writer takes residence with a Jewish couple, he is pressured into maintaining a façade about his potential for publishing.

A northern woman moves to Bremen, Georgia and befriends the town outcast—a charming woman ostracized for the fact that she's married to her fourth husband after divorcing the first three in a town where men are scarce.

There is something suspicious about the family with a crabapple tree on their property. After a new stepmother arrives, the other members of the family start to mysteriously drop like flies.

When a widowed aunt who is rumored to have an inheritance of half a million dollars in the 1980s, the local undertaker attempts to sell her niece and nephew a casket and plan her funeral service while also dealing with his personal love life.