Short stories tagged with Middle Age

Listing 10 stories.

A middle-aged widower dreams of asking a younger local woman to be his wife, but it has been years since his wife died and he has forgotten how to court a woman. As the woman continues to visit his cabin, he must work up the courage to tell her how he feels.

After his wife leaves him, taking their kids, a man realizes that his vivid nightly dreams have disappeared with her.

A lonely man in his forties imagines a domestic life with a woman he briefly met who is interested in his furniture, but not his marriage proposal.

In the 1980s, when one of the women in a New York female friend group is on the brink of death, her friends reflect on their children, particularly the ones who are gone, and their attachments to each other.

Molly and her friend, Sandy, spend a tense getaway weekend together in Northern California, where they encounter a stray dog which haunts Molly afterward.

Two former Yale roommates, now middle-aged divorced men, reunite in Montana when one of them is being investigated for embezzlement. During the brief time they spend together, the other friend wonders why the clearly unsuitable friendship has gone on for so long.

A middle-aged woman reflects on the strangeness and wildness of adolescence as she watches her best friend's teenage son behave in ways that hurt himself and others. As his behavior worsens, the women struggle to find the courage to confront him.

Amongst problems with her ungrateful children and ex-husband, a middle-aged mother deals with a burgeoning mid-life crisis — until she realizes that she has become miraculously pregnant.

A middle-aged Californian woman questions the happiness of her life and decades-long marriage as she travels to the vineyard she owns with her husband.

In a contemporary American town, a middle aged woman takes a magical trip through the past upon hearing that her mysterious childhood friend has recently died.