
Short stories tagged with Fitting In

Listing 9 stories.

With a fresh fade and new Jordans, a teenage boy hopes his new look will impress his crush, but worries that their differences are too extreme.

When a black teenage girl at a private school gets invited to a party by a wealthy white student, she struggles to navigate the divide between their world and her own.

In a family of immortal vampires, a young boy seems more human than vampire, lacking magical powers and nauseated by the taste of blood. When the boy asks his sister to help him prove himself and impress their relatives at a large family reunion, things don't exactly go as planned.

After losing his parents in Turkey, a newly orphaned boy starts a new life in the Russian town of Batum and yearns to be like the other boys, complete with a Russian cap of his own.

A lonely young drummer with a talent for old fashioned jazz music joins a band of elderly men and ends up having a surprisingly good time with them.

When her parents announce plans to see family in Missouri, a teenage girl from the suburbs of Chicago dreads the visit with her cousins, who called her an 'Oreo' the last time she saw them. When the girl arrives, what she finds surprises her.

In a futuristic 1998, a young girl and her robot companion are separated after her mother decides she doesn't want a robot raising her child and insists on selling the robot back to US robots. However the girl, deeply depressed by the loss of her friend, doesn't develop other interests as her mother had hoped; rather, she fixates on searching for the robot wherever they go.

When a teenager's grandfather offers him an old-fashioned suit to wear to his junior-high graduation in Los Angeles in the 1950s, the boy reluctantly accepts, despite the fact that he is scared of what his classmates will think of him.

A naturalist's boyfriend offers to put her elderly dog down, but he finds it difficult as he thinks about his relationship.