Results for Stories Like “old Yeller”
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Listing 3164 stories.
A four-year-old black boy vaguely recalls a mixture of occurrences that puzzled him, including a sentenced hanging in his town of a man who allegedly murdered his wife.
After hearing about his son's exciting experiences on a Boy Scouts outing in the woods, a father begins to feel jealous and detached from his work at a big law firm.
An old man recounts the story of how he met his wife while traveling to Birmingham to look for work. Though they are initially strangers, the man is determined to win over his future-wife, despite her parents' hesitations.
A ranching family stays optimistic during tough times by remembers their good luck last summer when they persuaded a generous rancher to work on his farm.
As an old woman revisits her family's quintessentially American history, she finds a way to respect and love her parents, despite the scandals and tragedies they endured.
A man watches an old woman visit an abandoned house in his neighborhood year after year, and he tries to piece her story together from town gossip.
In a poignant reflection on the legacies of the past, a man finally hears from his grandmother the full account of his great-grandfather’s death at the hands of a close friend.
Two elderly women in rural Georgia attempt to help a man with amnesia who happens upon their farm, and in the process accidentally become accomplices to a crime.
A man develops a deep interest in the author of a children's book he reads to his daughters. Ignoring his wife's confusion and mild disapproval, he goes to visit the author's old house and takes his daughters with him.
An elderly Russian man comes across a young American in a park and tells the young man about coming of age in Russia.