Short stories tagged with Thoughtful

Listing 9 stories.

A successful scientist revisits his college town to meet up with his old friend - who now appears to be a bumbling alcoholic - in order to convince him to leave his cheating wife.

On a cold Seattle night, deep in the heart of winter, a woman walks into a bar and finds the beautiful and animal-like woman she has been waiting for. She chases the woman into the night and finds the stranger is not what she seems—but neither is the protagonist.

A teenage boy tries to navigate his personal relationships while he attempts to understand his many experiences of domestic and interpersonal violence. He struggles to find connection with anyone other than his eccentric, ailing grandfather.

At the height of Jim Crow, a white American boy watches a baseball game that pits their town's Black and white residents against one another. When the white side begins to inflict harm on the Black team in order to win, the boy witnesses the violent reality of racism for the first time.

A housewife lets a hardworking seventeen-year-old boy with a difficult past rent a room in her house, which results in an unlikely friendship as he learns about kindness and trust.

A newly wed couple goes to visit the groom's ailing father, who he has not seen in years. The bride is introduced to her husband's past in a visceral way as she sees the environment he grew up in.

A teenage girl at a boarding school in the 1920s goes with her roommates, who are all very different from herself, to a school-sanctioned viewing of an eclipse. The experience has an unexpected impact on her.

A young married woman meets an intense older woman on a cruise ship who regales her with the tale of an old affair and the lessons she learned from it.

An unassuming American soldier develops a relationship with young woman while he studies art at the Academie in France in the 1950s. He knows nothing of her past he eventually learns more about her past.