Results for Sustainability And Protecting The Environment
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Listing 9 stories.
Humanity has eliminated all plants and animals in a futuristic world that isn't meant for human consumption. One man refuses to kill his pet animals and plants, and the government tries to convince him to comply.
A story with an unconventional structure that asks "What is your number one priority?"
In a near future where environmental collapse has progressed, a young woman and her crush illegally gather shed elk antlers to sell on the black market. Meanwhile, the woman's aging father, fixated on his impending death and consumed by guilt, attempts to square his ecological debts.
A middle aged VP at a leading technology agency has a crisis of conscience triggered by the irreparable climate crisis and decides to quit. He is met with an unexpected reaction from his boss.
A spirit, once stranded on earth, finally returns to his realm–but ponders the rightness of his choice.
A woman who can see the deaths of others struggles to cope with her power amidst her loved ones.
A doctor ponders their time spent with a planet-sized library in the wake of its scheduled destruction.
Years after facing abuse from the hermit overseeing a nature preserve, two children—now adults—enact their revenge.
When three women are stranded on their way to a spa retreat, something terrifying comes to visit them instead.