Results for Historical Science-fiction With A Political Lean
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Listing 302 stories.
The world is at war: on one side, the corporate remains of human civilization. On the other, the aliens who have returned from Mars to live and regrow the Northern Hemisphere. In the midst of the war, one unnamed corporate solider realizes that their travel technology can be used to time-travel and takes that opportunity to try to save lives in the midst of this senseless violence.
A rebel works to restore science in an America in which it has been prohibited and replaced by magic. He goes on a mission to rescue a captured scientist, leading to a battle with his old boss, a magic-user, and a budding romance.
In the early 1970s, a listless radical must decide what to do with his life as his social circle of grassroots activists dwindles.
In a dystopic future on Earth, as a woman comes home from vacation, she hears about a continent emerging from the sea as old ones sink, and returns to find her husband released from Rehabilitation Camp. He and his fellow researchers discover how to make a “sun tap” to channel the sun’s energy into power, but then he is again forced away by the government, into a hospital.
Three boys try to avoid being drafted into a war in a futuristic world where the government has crumbled into a backward, technologically primitive, Christian nation.
An outer space fugitive on the run stops to help an old friend and becomes involved in a revolution. A fugitive pilot from Earth helps his found family escape persecution from the Coalition and gets involved in a revolution taking place on another planet.
Two men on opposites sides of a civil war wonder what they are fighting for as the flames of destruction spread across the country and alien forces are exposed.
While experiencing a midlife crisis, a respectable man must choose between his wife and his commitment to an eccentric political party.
A Black, American-born physicist ignores his colleagues' warnings about tampering with the timeline and— in an effort to alter a history of racism and violence towards his people—decides to change history himself.
When a former anti-war nudist files for divorce from his hippie-turned-middle-aged conservative wife, a figurative nuclear war fires up between the two suburban parents.