Short stories tagged with Science/technology

Listing 16 stories.

A team of three space hunters attempt to kill a theriida—a space whale with invaluable organs and skin that can provide riches and protect humans against interstellar radiation—but in their zeal, they face the risk of turning into theriidas themselves.

On a ship journeying from earth to a post-apocalyptic world, a young mother gives birth to a daughter with white fur. The mother, who's been having strange dreams about a bear prince, wonders if her child's unique appearance is related to these visions.

A solitary man living in rural North Carolina is invited to an upscale environmental conference by a mysterious wealthy business man who wants to use him to promote his greedy agenda.

A woman harbors a secret desire to have a baby in a future world where childbirth is extremely rare and discouraged.

A spaceship captain risks his life and crew when he travels to a black hole to retrieve a missing senator and his own long-lost family.

In a dystopian Toronto where genetically modified humans form the upper class, a young woman goes in search of answers after she discovers that her newly-changed friend has been murdered.

In a universe where the poor remain on earth and the rich live in space, a poverty-stricken Black teenager with a life-threatening illness dreams of visiting the upper world and is offered a chance to do so through a high school science contest.

Two women from different countries working for the same international social media company meet unexpectedly and become friends. Together, they expose the unjust, unfair treatment that they and their coworkers have been suffering through at their content moderation jobs.

A middle aged VP at a leading technology agency has a crisis of conscience triggered by the irreparable climate crisis and decides to quit. He is met with an unexpected reaction from his boss.

In an alternate Paris far into the future, a man and his anthropomorphic dog hatch a plan to improve their financial situation. However, their plans become upended when the schemes of a woman and an intelligent pistol get in the way.