Short stories tagged with Drought

Listing 9 stories.

After Earth experiences a long and extreme drought, a privileged woman in South Africa watches as her local city bows down to a slave system that convinces people they are free.

When her beloved mule goes missing, a young woman in rural Texas struggles with her marriage and the dreams she long ago gave up on.

Despite living in a world where climate change has led to titanic hurricanes, ceaseless drought and famine, and an abandonment of the old world, a New York City father worries about his burgeoning art career.

When a pipe repairman visits a Louisiana ranch during the droughts of the Great Depression, he encounters a recently widowed woman with dreams of exploring the country and a suspicious past.

A sixteen-year-old girl in the American West experiences her sexual awakening under the veil of religion.

In a stratified United States where drought and hurricanes have created a massive climate refugee crisis, an entrepreneurial photographer profits off of a tragedy in the name of love and money.

When new neighbors move onto the same street as a man and woman's farmhouse, the woman takes an immediate dislike to them while the man tries to help them out.

Years after they first get together, a female doctor at Sanjay Hospital in India reflects on the story of when she began to fall for the new doctor, who was engaged.

When an ambiguous small US town must welcome recently-landed aliens into the mix, the townspeople experience a range of emotions: sexual attraction, curiosity, disgust, sympathy, ambivalence.