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Results for Stories About The Status Of Women In Professional Careers

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Listing 1887 stories.

Following a breakup, a woman trapped in a nine-to-five office job becomes depressed and begins to consider suicide.

A professor's wife, who has only ever worked to advance her husband's career, explores her autonomy outside of her marriage in the mid-20th century.

A New Yorker working at a salon spends her time observing people she meets on the subway and at work. Though she meets a lot of people between washing hair and riding the subway to and from work, she avoids talking to them except for the rare occasions when she has to.

In a dystopian society, a young widow is placed in a holding facility to spend her days learning home economics until she's chosen to be the wife of a new man.

After a long struggle, a disabled woman in her twenties finally finds work at a pathology lab in Boston that rewards her rapid pace and ability to outproduce her coworkers—but when her elderly coworker falls behind, will she help her?

After World War II, a young woman takes a job working at on oilfield in a desert on the west coast. Once there, she struggles to fit in with her coworkers and can't help but feel out of place in this unfamiliar environment.

A woman gets married and chooses to leave her busy job as a stenographer. She soon becomes restless in the daily short-lived tedium of housewifery and begins developing feelings for a new man.

A working-class mother has held only one hope for her entire life: that one day, her daughter would marry well and wealthy, and take care of her in her old age. When her daughter reveals that the man she loves is not wealthy, her mother's dreams of rest are dashed and divided.

A young woman begins to work for an influencer, Seraphina, who she secretly hates. After vicious gossip about Serphina and the young woman pops up on anonymous message forums, the young woman must decide just how far she'd compromise herself for this job.