
Short stories tagged with Threats

Listing 8 stories.

When a picture of a college freshman in a Confederate flag bikini begins circulating online, the teenager must decide whether to shrug off the backlash or face the consequences of her own actions.

Imprisoned in a German prisoner of war camp, an American soldier fights for his morals while succumbing to enemy threats.

A depressed son and his father living in New York struggle to communicate to one another about the son’s fears for the future and the father’s concerns for his son.

A boy rides along in his father's truck, but when he breaks his father's only rule—don't touch anything—by turning on the radio, he hears another trucker threatening the safety of his father.

A young boy's stay in the hospital takes a dramatic turn when an unexpected patient arrives.

A woman has dinner with her husband and stepchildren and is interrupted by a stranger at the door, which prompts her to reminiscence about her past—the houses, love, and drama.

A first-generation Welsh man goes back to his father’s hometown for a funeral, where the neighbor’s son was crushed under his father’s toppled stone gate. Suddenly his father, who has lived morosely but peaceably in his decrepit cottage, finds the town has turned against him. A Welsh man’s father falls in disfavor with his hometown when the neighbor’s child is crushed under his toppled stone gate.

A diverse array of passengers and crew aboard a 777 commercial airplane are on their way to Boston when the pilot informs everyone of a presumable military attack in Guam.