Short stories tagged with Afrofuturism

Listing 8 stories.

When four members of a spacecraft finally land on a distant planet, they fall victim to terrible and inexplicable pain around their ears.

After Earth experiences a long and extreme drought, a privileged woman in South Africa watches as her local city bows down to a slave system that convinces people they are free.

A Black teen in dystopian Boston works sealing cracks which open underneath the city, threatening to swallow it whole. During one shift, he sees through a black-hole-type crack to an alternate reality in which his queer desire is fully realized.

In a futuristic world, a well-intentioned African witch doctor kills a newborn baby that according to his culture was a demon. However, Maintenance, white people from another planet, disagree with the witch doctor’s cultural traditions and try to stop this practice.

A swordfish, who has reincarnated from other animals before, crashes into a giant dead snake which spews black blood everywhere. Then, a ship with new creatures appears.

In the far future, HIV cases skyrocket in South Africa, and chemists develop an expensive new drug that must be taken annually by those with the disease. When clinics start raising prices, a man attempts to steal the drug for his friend, only to be confronted with an ugly truth about the industry.

In the near future, an immortal Black woman misses the only person she's ever loved: the woman who created the immortality drug alongside her. Only one of them had decided to take it.

A homeless Black man and the transgender woman whom he loves receive messages from ancient African gods that change the course of both their lives completely.