Read these if you like Unrequited Love

Listing 9 stories.

A lovestruck journalist and a torn painter pull the threads of their affair in opposite directions: he desires something more permanent, while she feels indebted to her husband and sons.

An injured man hopes to reconnect with his estranged wife, despite her love for another man.

Drudging through his days as a janitor, an obese, middle-aged man yearns to experience love for the first time. But when he meets his new neighbor, he realizes he might not be ready for it.

A young boy who lives in America visits his family in Afghanistan and goes on a quest with his teenage cousins to find a dog.

In the aftermath of World War III, a Korean student and a refugee from Venus carrying powerful contraband team up to leave Earth—with a powerful Venutian bounty hunter in hot pursuit.

Two brothers have been inseparable since their parent's divorce. When a girl starts to flirt with one of the boys, he ignores her to hang out with his brother, who realizes their bromance is too distracting.

Three friends in a magical world descend a staircase into the abyss at the edge of the world and encounter forces they can't control.

To face the unendurable boredom of her monotonous bookbinding job, a teenage girl sows sexual tension between her fellow teenage coworkers. However, that endeavor can only entertain her for so long, as her grim small town and secret pregnancy threaten to overwhelm her.