Read these if you like Black Mirror

Listing 9 stories.

A woman celebrates her daughter’s sixth birthday by volunteering at the women's center. As she assists other women, she recalls her own trauma and struggles with the constant reminders of it.

A pregnant woman in Nigeria makes friends with a stranger at the hospital; next thing she knows he is ripping her baby out of her.

In a dystopian world, Ginny Sweethips' traveling roadshow profits off of sex, tacos, and drugs has a run-in with aggressive men who ask who for more than Ginny's affection.

Reparations are being paid through a scientific algorithm and the police have been abolished in favor of a new system. However, the project begins to break down when non-marginalized groups find ways to abuse the marginalized.

An episode of a TV series called The Library follows fifteen-year-old Jeremy as he bonds with his friends through their shared obsession with an obscure TV show called The Library until he is ultimately convinced that he must save the life of the main character.

A virus and bacteria-ridden world forces humanity into virtual reality where human touch is but a simulation. When a scientist researching potential reentry encounters the pleasure of real human touch for the first time since her birth, she grapples with the limitations of the seemingly perfect yet largely empty life she has been given.

When her daughter dies in a mass shooting, a mother donates the daughter's pictures to a tech company in hopes that they can utilize them to protect future children, what she doesn’t realize is that it is she herself who needs protection from the internet trolls that come after her.

This sci-fi tale explores the question of what do our dreams mean. The answer: dreams are sent to us by workers in a dream factory, actors to entertain our subconscious.

"Zimmer Land" is a theme park that lets adults explore themes of justice and crisis management through live role-playing simulations, such as foiling a terrorist plot to bomb a train. A young black employee of the park begins to think something is amiss when some of the patrons come back again and again just to "kill" him.