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Results for Stories That Introduce Cosmic Horror As The Answer For Human Hubris

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Listing 449 stories.

Aboard a human city ship headed for Proxima b, shadows begin to haunt the sleeping passengers. An engineer commits suicide, and a psychotherapist finds that these apparitions feed on human guilt. The only way to survive is to master and confront the mounds of guilt that each human passenger carries inside herself.

When a scientist discovers science-based information that negates his world's established creation myth and belief system, he sends the world into chaos, with some zealots clinging desperately to their dogma, while others attempt to embrace the unknown future.

During their discussion of philosophy and the downward spiral of the world’s condition, a group of men is startled by a voice in the dark that recounts for them two stories of the human embodiment of battlefield carnage. When the voice finishes, the men struggle to pinpoint where it came from.

An older Indian man recounts his story of "alien" encounters on Mars during Saturday tea.

A strange intergalactic force infiltrates the consciousness of a modern Earthling, prompting meditations on the role of the human, the loneliness of life, and the greater unknown.

Three myths from human groups on other planets describe the origin of humanity, and the necessity of respecting nature.

Online, space ship storytellers discuss why they tell stories for a living—and how to do it right.

Over the course of millions of years, various species in the galaxy discover a human footprint on the surface of the moon and attempt to explain its origin and meaning.

After discovering the remnants left by an extinct extraterrestrial species, a Jesuit astrophysicist asks the spirit of Father Loyola what there’s left for a Christian like him to believe.

An injured man lays on a long stretch of sand looking up at the stars; his mind races back to previous injuries and illnesses, but he can't seem to get a grip on where he is or why he's there. He soon realizes that he's a long way from home, in outer space.