Results for Discourse About Class And Diaspora
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Listing 192 stories.
When a Cuban American high schooler decides to attend college out-of-state, she must confront her ambiguous feelings about her family, hometown, and identity from a distance over the next several years.
An old linguistics researcher is ousted from his university position on the frontier of a small island he acculturated. Upon his return home, he begins to believe that he and his life's work are marginal.
Just before an American college student is set to leave for the airport after visiting her extended family in Ethiopia, she realizes her suitcases are too heavy. A fight breaks out between her relatives about what items should travel with her at their behest, versus which ones deserve to be left behind.
A boy’s idolized uncle immigrates to the United States. As the child grows into a man in late twentieth-century Nigeria, his relative’s absence takes a toll on the family. When the two men finally meet up years later, the encounter reveals unfulfilled dreams.
After yet another hurricane, a Puerto Rican family reflects how they hide their struggles from their Americanized relatives.
An ethnic cleansing forces a Chinese man to move to Thailand, where he lives as a second-class citizen. He confronts dehumanizing conditions that make him consider how far he will go to guarantee his own survival.
A ten-year-old boy grows up in Brooklyn with his grandparents while his deadbeat father moves to Puerto Rico and refuses to take Esteban. When the father remarries, the boy realizes he can no longer repress his true emotions.
As conflict rages between Russia and Ukraine, a woman struggles to get through to her friend caught in the middle of it.
A dispossessed group in the skies searches for the land where they can finally breathe.
A man flies back to the country of his birth and reckons with people and places he longer seems to know.