Results for Dante's Cosmology
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Listing 20 stories.
After discovering the remnants left by an extinct extraterrestrial species, a Jesuit astrophysicist asks the spirit of Father Loyola what there’s left for a Christian like him to believe.
In a universe that regenerates continually, producing the exact same timeline with each big bang, humans struggle to find meaning in lives over which they have no control.
When a scientist discovers science-based information that negates his world's established creation myth and belief system, he sends the world into chaos, with some zealots clinging desperately to their dogma, while others attempt to embrace the unknown future.
A strange intergalactic force infiltrates the consciousness of a modern Earthling, prompting meditations on the role of the human, the loneliness of life, and the greater unknown.
Millions of years after the Big Bang, a speck of consciousness in a galaxy wakes up with no sense of self-identity.
While waiting for an unrequited love to return, an elderly woman ruminates on her role in discovering an elegant alien technology. She feels death approaching and regrets not seeing her love again before she passes—only for him to arrive in the nick of time.
A formerly imprisoned child seeks to understand the higher order beings in their universe.
Aboard a human city ship headed for Proxima b, shadows begin to haunt the sleeping passengers. An engineer commits suicide, and a psychotherapist finds that these apparitions feed on human guilt. The only way to survive is to master and confront the mounds of guilt that each human passenger carries inside herself.
In a futuristic world, five physicists want to learn more about the structure of spacetime at the Planck scale. They send clones into a black hole to discover the information, but there is a high chance that the clones will not survive the experiment.
A priest is the god of his own universe, but struggles to understand how he came to be. He takes in a young pupil to relieve himself of godhood.