Short stories tagged with Stereotypes

Listing 7 stories.

When an impoverished man shows up to a wealthy woman's door in dire need of help, she gives him ten dollars and tries to send him on his way. The man insists that he return the next day to thank her husband for the money, but she isn't quite sure if things are as they seem.

Two cartographers reach a geographic boundary and discuss what they see.

A young man secretly fathers a child that he grooms from afar to be the perfect child he can use as a control in his experiment comparing the white experience and the Black experience.

The characters found in jokes are forced to act out the jokes every time they are told.

When her parents announce plans to see family in Missouri, a teenage girl from the suburbs of Chicago dreads the visit with her cousins, who called her an 'Oreo' the last time she saw them. When the girl arrives, what she finds surprises her.

A Canadian woman lets an American exile room at her house, but warns him that he can only stay for two days.

In a near-future Arizona, a Pueblo man in a precarious marriage works at a store that offers virtual reality "Experiences" for tourists, in which he plays a caricature of a Spirit Guide, based on white stereotypes of Native Americans. His life spirals when a white tourist who pretends to be his friend threatens to take everything from him.