Short stories tagged with Linear Plot

Listing 10 stories.

A low-income Hispanic fisherman struggling to support his ill wife risks his career and legal autonomy when he agrees to go on a fishing trip with a careless co-worker who is storing a large sum of money near the fisherman's property.

In a dystopian world, Ginny Sweethips' traveling roadshow profits off of sex, tacos, and drugs has a run-in with aggressive men who ask who for more than Ginny's affection.

The crew aboard a freight ship are gruesomely murdered in a sacrificial and ritualistic manner.

During the Civil War, a woman is approached by confederate soldiers who threaten to burn her house down until she reveals letters from her deceased husband.

As a strictly sexual affair stretches past its expiration date, a woman and her taken lover struggle to define their burgeoning feelings for each other.

Fourteen-year-old Native American girl, who is white-passing and passionate about becoming devout, joins a convent and is thought to attract the devil.

A Middle-eastern man's journal, written during his time in futuristic Washington D.C. while unknowingly being followed by the Government, is found by a paid detective.

An employee of a tech company attends the yearly business conference on a boat only to be one of just a few individuals who remain unaffected by a mysterious illness.

On the Great Plains, an aging farmer and his wife struggle to sell their produce amid an increase in frozen food manufacturing. The farmer must figure out how to avoid the fate of his neighbors, who were pushed out of business and into welfare dependence.

While a reserved woman is traveling alone, she is accused by passengers in an airport that she is behind the disturbing happenings which are occurring that evening.