Short stories tagged with Happy Ending

Listing 98 stories.

A housewife in Wisconsin tries desperately to warn people about the impending doom Hitler poses as he rises to power in Europe. Simultaneously, she lives vicariously through her daughters and hopes to glean satisfaction out of their romances where she can't from her own.

The night watchman at the wax museum is a simple man, and he loves his job, especially the wax figure of Napoleon, whom he considers a special friend. Though a bachelor, he is a romantic, and gets caught up in the affairs of a young couple who use the wax museum as their meeting place.

Workers at an American franchise restaurant located in southern China learn of the different ways American capitalism exploits them and creates food waste, leading them to rebel against their bosses.

A jaded American mercenary searches for the stepdaughter of a Mexican businessman on a remote island. After a bloody showdown with the stepdaughter's kidnappers, the mercenary finds justice and a second chance.

A Native American boy finds himself sinking deeper and deeper into quicksand as his horse watches, hoping that someone somehow will know he's in trouble, despite the lack of evidence for such a suspicion.

After kicking her husband out and changing the locks, a mother imagines he is still living with her, distant and uninterested in sex. Lying in bed, she conjures up old memories and imagines new ones, grappling with questions of selfhood, identity, womanhood, and motherhood. One night, her real husband returns, and she lets him back in.

A family goes on a ride that allows them to see their entire future.

One night in the late 1960s, an American couple vacationing at a lake in Germany gets split up, filling both with dread and fear as they are pushed to their limits trying to reunite.

A woman has desired to become a nun since she was young, and nothing deters her until she must choose between her dream and the love of her life.

In a futuristic world where hardly a trace of natural life exists untouched by human interference, a Citizen makes an unprecedented choice that brings a slew of notoriety and ethical questions.