Short stories tagged with Calm Ending

Listing 11 stories.

A 36-year-old Irish man indulges in his usual routine voyage from Boyle to Sligo via train, enjoying himself and his rituals, until an unsettling encounter throws his entire day off-kilter.

On a trip through Europe, an old man grapples with his terminal illness and finds himself increasingly disappointed by his current lover and missing his old flame.

When a married couple announces that they are getting a divorce, their best friends who are also a couple are forced to confront what this configuration means for their social life.

Despite living in a world where climate change has led to titanic hurricanes, ceaseless drought and famine, and an abandonment of the old world, a New York City father worries about his burgeoning art career.

A maid in New York City catches stray bits and pieces of her customers’ lives as they waltz in and out of her dressing room at a nightclub.

A contemporary Indian housewife’s peace is broken when she notices that her dog is locked in a dance to the death with a cobra.

A misanthrope’s decision to ditch her donuts and weed to go exercise in the park leads her to a near-death experience.

When a young American couple ventures to Europe in 1959 to recover from a recent tragedy, both the husband and wife must confront how lost they are in life.

A former divorcé runs into an old friend on the streets of New York City. Over a drink, the men speak about an endless cycle of generosity that the friend has wrapped himself up in, while the protagonist considers his comparatively smaller problems.

A 23-year-old man falls deeply in love with bull riding even as the sport destroys his body.