Short stories tagged with Animal Abuse

Listing 8 stories.

A group of friends gather for a picnic, but as they over-indulge in alcohol, the picnic spirals disturbingly into near-death encounters and emotional distress.

A bitter rivalry between two priests and a cat takes a violent turn as the two men orchestrate the death of the animal - but the unexpected and miraculous consequence of their plot leave them horrified.

Paranoia, love, and tragedy intertwine in a terrifying spiral as a father takes his terminally ill daughter to an amusement park.

While their parents fight over the possibility of selling their family home during the Great Depression, two young sisters watch, and, in order to cope, one of the sisters forms a strong attachment to a stray cat in their neighborhood.

The friend of a mentally unstable man who hates Christianity is dragged along on a bizarre quest as the unstable man attempts to stage an event in which a Christian is symbolically eaten by a lion.

When a man shoots an owl that has been taking his chickens and the owl does not die, the man decides to keep the animal alive and let it suffer—only to be mocked and outsmarted by the bird.

When an isolated group of US soldiers are on an expedition in the Arctic, one shoots and wounds an owl and takes it back to camp as a pet. One of his associates thinks that the owl should be killed or set free, and acts accordingly.

A chronically ill teenager grapples with his mother’s instability and his stepfather’s absence while turmoil in the neighborhood sparks a sobering revelation.