Short stories published in Shenandoah

Listing 14 stories.

A housewife in Wisconsin tries desperately to warn people about the impending doom Hitler poses as he rises to power in Europe. Simultaneously, she lives vicariously through her daughters and hopes to glean satisfaction out of their romances where she can't from her own.

A young woman's luck turns around as she takes time off to visit her sister in Alaska, while her elderly co-worker is haunted by her own age and recollections of her past.

As she begins to feel that her boyfriend is trying to create reasons for her to leave him, a woman tries to understand his difficult past as a child in the American foster care system.

A couple spends a hot summer night regaling each other with the dreams that have stirred them awake, leaving them to consider their relationship and whether they want to remain together.

A young couple hitchhiking to a commune accept drugs from the trucker driving them. High and hallucinating, they must appease the unpredictable trucker while keeping him at a safe distance.

A woman struggles to care for her son, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a young man and has now lived in a mental hospital for over ten years.

As Tamil people on the hillside celebrate the eve of their independence, a young Indian boy plots his escape to the city.

A distant cousin comes to stay with a married couple in Nashville. As boys from her hometown come out to haunt her, she starts to lose control and a Shakespearean twist unfolds.

When a teenage boy is sent away for the summer to live with his aunt and uncle, he quickly realizes that he has feelings for his cousin. The boys must navigate their newfound attraction and their own emerging adolescence.

A nine-year-old boy reflects on the heroes he's identified in his life, from religious figures to his relatives, while he and his father drive home on a snowy night.