
Short stories in the genre Religious Fiction

Listing 11 stories.

As she wanders in and out of forests to escape her past and the boy she feels guilty for wanting, a woman gives birth to and abandons a child she thinks of as the physical embodiment of her sin.

A mormon missionary amongst indegenous people surrouding Salt Lake City practices plural marriage and takes two native girls for wives, leading to decades of strife after things don't go according to plan.

A young girl wants to be a religious saint and tries to figure out what kind of sacrifice will be big enough for God to make her one.

A boy learns what miracles mean to his community during his first visit to a Nigerian church.

A preacher is welcomed into a farming couple's cabin and performs an exorcism on their son.

One night while visiting his mother, a man contends with the nature of faith and family.

A sixteen-year-old girl in Civil-War-era New Orleans is friends with God, but He leaves her when she is forced to marry a man whom she fears.

A widowed woman reminisces on her childhood crush and longs to reunite with him but feels uncertain about her decision.

A wife leaves her husband in order to ensure his ultimate salvation after they are rejected from the Christian church for their polygamist marriage.