Results for Toys R Us But Toys Actually Are Your Kids
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Listing 9 stories.
In Jim Crow America, a newly animate Black doll struggles to find herself a loving human friend.
Billions of years in the future, most lifeforms have vanished from the universe. Santa Claus must fight to keep Christmas—and all lifeforms—alive.
A low-income, single mom ponders how to comfort her son, who struggles to make friends at school. Even though she's been saving for a new dryer for months, she decides to buy him a robot at the local pawn shop.
A six-year-old boy visiting his extended family for Christmas on the East coast must survive the constant abuse from his toxically masculine father which sends him further and further into the recesses of his imagination.
A maid, silently and in thought alone, contemplates her own position in a house full of opulent, decadent lives.
One night, a woman braves a treacherous journey to put her healing powers to work.
From across the universe, two sisters try to keep each other in contact.
Through visions of the past and future, a man ponders his place in the Black freedom struggle.
George Washington's chef, whose culinary talent is brought alive by magic, reflects on his career back when he was enslaved.