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Results for Making Science Seem Cool Again

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Listing 26 stories.

A collection of excerpts regarding humanity's various pursuits of science throughout time.

When a scientist discovers science-based information that negates his world's established creation myth and belief system, he sends the world into chaos, with some zealots clinging desperately to their dogma, while others attempt to embrace the unknown future.

A scientist notes the discovery of a new chemical compound with physics-defying capabilities.

When a low-budget science fiction television show successfully predicts the discovery of extraterrestrial life, its cult followers investigate its mysterious origins, only to be met with more mysteries.

A series of journal entries based in the far future mark a middle-aged female scientist’s descent into Adamancy: a disordered obsession with diamantine structures on Neptune that, when melted, allow for instantaneous travel through space. The diaries, alongside reportage on the creation of “the Melee,” or teleportation technology from these diamonds, tell the story of the scientist’s entrapment by her colleague— and her attempted escape.

Three very different people—a vulgar comedian, an eloquent Cambridge graduate with a chemistry doctorate, and a proud historian—deliver three speeches posthumously honoring the same chemist and lend comic but profound insight into the recipient's multi-faceted character and contributions.

A man reviews a book written by an esteemed scientist, which detailedly describes a series of events collectively known as the “neural chernobyl,” and speculates about the future of this ongoing biological disaster.

The first manned trip to Pluto discovers some fascinating and alarming information. A trip to Pluto uncovers information that changes science and human history as we know it.

A father-son duo of physicists set out to explore the mysteries of time travel, but when they manage to bring something back from the prehistoric past, they find that their discovery is far beyond what they expected.

A rebel works to restore science in an America in which it has been prohibited and replaced by magic. He goes on a mission to rescue a captured scientist, leading to a battle with his old boss, a magic-user, and a budding romance.