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Results for Brilliant Female Scientist Protagonists

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Listing 453 stories.

In the far future, a zealous scientist wanders the highlands of Venus alone, risking death at the hands of Cytherean tigers in order to discover the lost settlement that would vindicate her research and satisfy her jealousy for her "perfect" partner. What she discovers, however, fails to satisfy her. Tired of living in her famous partner's shadow, a zealous scientist in the far future embarks on a dangerous solo expedition through the highlands of Venus in order to discover the lost city of Ishtar. What she discovers, however, fails to satisfy her.

Two female biologists spend a few months in a hotel in the Northeastern United States to research shore life, and whereas one pursues romance with men, the other feels spurned by unrequited love.

In the far future, a female scientist must lead her team through time to uncover the explanation for a colony planet's sudden and complete demise, including that of her dead husband. Despite challenges made to her academic integrity and emotional wellbeing, she pursues both her mission and the shadow of her lifelove, hoping that one will lead to another. In a spaceship in the far future, a female scientist tries to understand the alien plague that wiped a whole colony planet, including her late husband and research partner. As she travels through the records of time, she also chases after the footsteps of her lifelove in hopes that they'll help solve her mystery and heal her grieving heart.

A series of journal entries based in the far future mark a middle-aged female scientist’s descent into Adamancy: a disordered obsession with diamantine structures on Neptune that, when melted, allow for instantaneous travel through space. The diaries, alongside reportage on the creation of “the Melee,” or teleportation technology from these diamonds, tell the story of the scientist’s entrapment by her colleague— and her attempted escape.

A young girl who becomes blind, deaf, and crippled in the name of science, finds herself falling in love with her caretaker.

In an alternate universe where mermaids are critically endangered animals, a team of marine biologists off the coast of Jeju Island embark on a decade-long journey to revive the over-hunted, largely-infertile species. The researchers' hopes are set on one dominant female, but when their tampering crosses an irreversible line, their mission— and her life— become jeopardized. In an alternate world where mermaids are real and critically endangered, a team of marine biologists near Jeju Island embark on a decade-long mission to revive the over-hunted and overwhelmingly male species. The scientists set their hopes on one dominant female and her two male companions. However, as they study their sexual lives, the team learns just how complicated an "animal" can be— and how, sometimes, conserving a species comes at the cost of some of its members.

There has been a rise in men killing women in the modern-day world. Scientists desperately try to understand why this phenomenon is occurring and must do everything in their power to stop this before all of humanity becomes extinct.

In a future decimated by rising tides and extreme weather, the people of Earth have been displaced from their land and look to the sea to establish new civilizations. In order to survey the ocean and explore its resources, the U.S. Navy enlists an all-female cohort of “military mermaids,” whose human limbs and organs are genetically modified into fins and gills.

In the near future, an immortal Black woman misses the only person she's ever loved: the woman who created the immortality drug alongside her. Only one of them had decided to take it.