
Short stories tagged with Slavery

Listing 43 stories.

A Black woman reflects on her experiences as a slave on a plantation, where she not only witnessed but also committed inconceivable violence.

In a dystopian future, an assistant to a movie star, who is also an immortal slave, must take pills that reveal her true monstrous form in order to help the movie star fight her battle with cancer.

In the Land of Witches, an enslaved girl learns the magic of Dream Science and liberates herself from her master. Her account of the town inspires a present-day researcher, trapped in her war-torn hometown, and a band of witches to pilgrimage to the site. An enslaved girl's fantastical account of the Land of Witches encourages a group of witches and a present-day researcher, marooned in her war-torn hometown, to locate the site through the magic of dreams.

A young woman tutors a rich thirteen-year-old girl, and their sessions together prompt the woman to reflect on her less-privileged teenage years and how she ended up with the job she has.

A well-intentioned, if naive, British cleric is eager to educate a West African village about the benevolent power of God. But as slavers encroach, he begins to question his purpose as well as his humanity.

A young, cynical slave girl’s murder of her owners stirs up the etherworld, leading to the birth of multiple ghosts that will change her life.

After Earth experiences a long and extreme drought, a privileged woman in South Africa watches as her local city bows down to a slave system that convinces people they are free.

A man pursuing his doctorate explores the history of the American South through the journals and letters of a long-dead ancestor who manumitted all the enslaved people on his plantation after an affair gone wrong.

In another world, an enslaved creature tries to gain her freedom, but she soon learns that life after escape is difficult to navigate.

An outer space fugitive on the run stops to help an old friend and becomes involved in a revolution. A fugitive pilot from Earth helps his found family escape persecution from the Coalition and gets involved in a revolution taking place on another planet.