Results for Creative Parallel Lives
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Listing 274 stories.
In this metafiction, the many lives of an unnamed man are scrutinized as he passes through millennia.
A man considers the possibility of multiple realities, and creates possible scenarios for how his life could have turned out; including one where he is a famous football player, another where he's a stay-at-home dad caring for a daughter who has Down Syndrome, and another where she doesn't.
As a man waits in jail for the next stage in his journey through the justice system, he lives through visions of what the justice system could be in parallel universes, only to wake up and realize he can only exist in one system.
A young man struggles to rationalize with fate as he watches the people he loves experience immense pain and suffering. As he learns more about the physics of the universe and slowly teaches himself how to travel through time, he begins experiencing surreal moments where he can actually see the alternative paths he and his loved ones could have taken, and how they would all have been different if they had.
In a distant future in which technological advances have extended human lifespans, a man must decide whether or not to upload his dying Cuban refugee mother’s consciousness to a digital “habitat” technology he has developed, where she can live out her life in virtual simulation back home in Cuba.
While waiting for an unrequited love to return, an elderly woman ruminates on her role in discovering an elegant alien technology. She feels death approaching and regrets not seeing her love again before she passes—only for him to arrive in the nick of time.
In a universe that regenerates continually, producing the exact same timeline with each big bang, humans struggle to find meaning in lives over which they have no control.
A young Shakespearean play actor finds himself stuck in 6 million year time loop being observed by high-school aged aliens. As John relives the same morning repeatedly--one where his wife leaves him--he becomes more aware of how important connections are as time is not as infinite as he assumes.
A middle-aged man faces a difficult decision; he can choose to use genetic alteration to have a say over the life of his unborn child, or leave the future up to chance. As he struggles to choose a path, he reconsiders his own past and the struggles he has faced.
As a programmer builds a videogame world, the stars above Earth go out and reality begins to disappear one landscape at a time until nothing is left but a memory of a woman, Sarah.