Read these if you like Introspective Stories

Listing 5 stories.

Sitting at a bar, a man reminisces about his past experiences with love and develops a philosophy for 'beautiful' relationships that relies on the inevitability of their ends.

A handsome seventeen-year-old boy coincidentally meets his girlfriend at the vacation home of a rich neighbor and tries to persuade her to live life at his pace.

When a group of boys happen upon a prehistoric cave in France while out hunting for rabbits, they must decide who is trustworthy enough to share their secret with.

A cynical flutist and his accompanist friend audition together for a talent-seeking event. After their performance falls flat, the flutist speaks with a retired famous musician whose misery makes him question his lifelong goals.

A teenager spends the summer dealing with the unsettling company of two older boys. As he spends time dating girls, he becomes increasingly uncertain about what he truly wants in life.