
Short stories tagged with Wandering

Listing 7 stories.

After a young woman receives a secret message from a flying saucer, she refuses to reveal it and suffers as a social outcast.

When a young man leaves his home in Kansas City to find a career, he struggles to settle down in one spot. He wanders, impoverished, across the western United States and finds a transcendent understanding of the human condition.

A writer summers with his mistress and part of her family. The group runs into one of his former students, and they all smoke together.

When an old woman sees her son straining to leave to see the world, she remembers her husband doing the same many years earlier. In a fierce battle pitting love against discovery and adventure, she does her utmost to set him free.

A Canadian woman lets an American exile room at her house, but warns him that he can only stay for two days.

A man fishing in the mountains of Virginia must stop at a mountain family's cabin where he debates intervening in a domestic conflict.

A tow truck driver who is responsible for saving hikers who get lost within the Mojave desert meets an old man who challenges the nefarious deeds that the trucker commits within his job.