Short stories tagged with Sexual Abuse

Listing 20 stories.

While assisting her neglectful family's con-work at a carnival, a thirteen-year-old girl is enticed by a mysterious high-school dropout who makes her feel seen.

When a young man moves in with his pregnant girlfriend's family in the Pacific Northwest, he feels increasingly trapped by his girlfriend's secrets, her brother's drunken behavior, and the demanding land on the family's orchard.

Terrified of human love after being sexually assaulted in childhood, Adriana buys herself a robot for a husband. After realizing her robot husband's adaptive capability, she become obsessed with uncovering his true identity.

A young boy suffering from OCD-like symptoms grapples with self-hatred, bullying, and sexual abuse and frequently flaps his hands and constricts his throat to escape reality. His compulsions and coping mechanisms follow him through elementary school, middle school, high school, and college.

A young girl feels under-appreciated and left out during a family trip to Italy when her older sister and their college-age babysitter engage in a romantic affair.

Two sisters become inseparable and co-dependent after being abducted and sexually abused by a man in a van as children. When one sister finds out their abuser is up for parole, she leaves town and the other sister follows.

When a mother of three children visits her home country of South Africa for Christmas, her depression at how her life has failed her renders her neglectful, putting both her eldest child and sister in irreparable danger.

After a teenage girl comes home to East Hampton from her fancy Connecticut boarding school, she finds in her new step-mother an unexpected ally who helps her to navigate her relationship with her father and exact revenge.

When his co-worker dies suddenly from a rare bacterial disease, a sewage treatment plant inspector confronts great grief, regret, and sin—and ends up engaging in a sexual relationship with the deceased's vulnerable teenage daughter.

When a twenty-seven-year-old women shoots a couple of drug dealers to escape sexual assault, she turns to the forty-four-year-old deputy sheriff--who happens to be her dead mother's lover--for help. The deputy goes so far as to kill a man to cover the woman's tracks, allowing her to escape without notice.