Short stories tagged with Mortality

Listing 17 stories.

In a fantasy world, as punishment for staring at a naked goddess, a king-mage is reborn as a mortal. Several other cursed demigods hatch a plan to be reborn as children of the naked goddess, who is in love with the king-mage.

On a trip through Europe, an old man grapples with his terminal illness and finds himself increasingly disappointed by his current lover and missing his old flame.

Consumed by the memory of his larger-than-life roommate who recently passed away from AIDS, a grieving man working at an art gallery reflects on life.

When a young girl in a contemporary northwestern American town dies, one of her neighbors and former friends rethinks her relationship with death.

On his thirteenth birthday, a boy on the edge of puberty climbs the high dive at the public pool for the first time. At the top, he feels as if he can stop time and see the entire world laid out before him — but eventually he must jump.

After being put in a nursing home by her daughter, an elderly woman feels her family slipping away from her until it is too late for reconciliation.

A five-year-old girl and her mother go into hiding with some less-than-savory friends at an upstate New York cabin. While there, the girl sees the ghosts of a past tragedy and, for the first time, confronts the insecurity and inexplicability of her own life.

A man is walking home from his office one afternoon, when he passes a man lying unconscious in the street. As the man goes home and tries to navigate the complications of family life, he considers his own mortality and wonders if he has failed the people he loves.

In a near future where environmental collapse has progressed, a young woman and her crush illegally gather shed elk antlers to sell on the black market. Meanwhile, the woman's aging father, fixated on his impending death and consumed by guilt, attempts to square his ecological debts.

Faced with cancer, Mrs. Wilson confronts her impending death. She finds new strength fight her prognosis with a book, The Will to Live, by the philosopher Schopenhauer.